Who We Are

The genesis of policing in Kinnaur dates back to pre independence when Punjab Armed Police (PAP) and Border Security Force (BSF) was in existence here. Active Policing in this tribal area came into force during year 1948 with the creation of Police Station Chini of Erstwhile Mahasu District. By that time there was no existence of present Kinnaur District and until 1959 BSF and PAP was under the control of S.P. Border.

After re-organization of the State, District Kinnaur was created during year 1960. BSF and PAP were merged/transferred to District Police and HAP respectively. New S.P. Office was established at Kalpa with creation of one more Police Station at Pooh in 1960 itself. With the passage of time, two more Police Stations viz Nichar and Sangla were created during the year 1961 and 1993 respectively.

The District Headquarters of Kinnaur were shifted from Kalpa to Reckong Peo and eventually S.P. Office was also shifted to Reckong Peo during the year 1980. Later Police Station Nichar was shifted to Bhabanagar in the year 1992 while Police Station Kalpa was shifted to Reckong Peo during year 1993. Today Kalpa is a Police Post functioning under Police Station Reckong Peo.

Police Post Karcham was established many years back with the upcoming of Hydro Electric Projects (HEPs) in District Kinnaur. Many more Police Posts like Tapri, Katgaon, Moorang, Yangthang and Pangi have been established over the years keeping in view the migrant labour influx in the HEPs. Police Post Tapri which is a busy station today having strength of more than 15 policemen started way back in year 1962 as a Check Post with two constables. Check Post Akpa which is situated on the way to Pooh from Reckong Peo at Akpa on NH-05 has previously remained functional at Wangtoo, Dubling, Chango, etc and has been setup for checking on Inner Line Permits (ILPs) of Foreigners visiting the Protected Areas. Few years back Check Post Choura was started at the entry of District Kinnaur bordering Rampur (Shimla).

Policing activity in Kinnaur is growing day by day with every increasing influx of migrant labour working in HEPs and incoming tourists during the summer season.

Sh. Abishek S (IPS)   Superintendent of Police Kinnaur at Reckong Peo ,  (Ph: 01786-222270(O),01786-222288 (R), 6230600781 (M) & Email: sp-kin-hp@nic.in

Sub Division Police Station Police Post / Check Post
DySP (HQ) DySP Sh.Naveen Jhalta, HPS Landline:01786-223055: Ph. 7876604564 Email:dysphq-kin-hp@nic.in PS Reckong Peo

SI/SHO Janeshwar (7018467942) Landline: 01786-222210 Email:police.reckongpeo-hp@nic.in

PP Kalpa

 Hc Ranjot   (Mob.9816717646) Landline: 01786-226010

PP Pangi HC Rakesh Kumar (Ph.)7018954070
PS Pooh SI/SHO  Navneet Saini (Ph. 9816310000) Landline: 01785-232420 Email:police.pooh-hp@nic.in

PP Yangthang

HC Sunny  Bodh 7018056546


CP Dubling  ASI Manohar  (Ph:8091037536)

CP Chango  HC Gopi Chand


PS Moorang  SI/SHO Jai Singh (Mob 9805184767 ) Landline: 01785-252524

Email: psmoorang-kin-hp@nic.in

SDPO Bhavanagar DySP Sh.Raj Kumar  Mobile number  9817039119 Landline:01786-222935 Email:sdpo-bhawanagar-hp@nic.in PS Tapri SI/SHO Tain Singh (Ph: 9418154721) Landline:01786-261230


PS Bhawanagar  SI/SHO  Jagdish  (Ph: 8580830151) Landline: 01786-263455 Email:police.bhawanagar-hp@nic.in PP Nichar Landline: 01786-204544  Hans Raj  (Ph:8988328560)
PP KatgaonHC Vikesh 8988161897

Landline: 01786-262352

PAB Choura  HC Viney kumar   (Ph:)7018565016
PS Sangla   SI/SHO Ajay (Ph: 7018059769 )Landline: 01786-242617 Email:police.sangla-hp@nic.in PP Karcham ASI Ram Lal Ph:Office No-8580532270
DIP Kinnaur Insp Vikas Sharma   (Ph: 9613800007)     
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